Are you ready to reduce your business rates?


Posted on Thursday, October 27, 2016

Are you ready to reduce your business rates?

When Chancellor George Osborne presented his Budget in March of this year, he revealed that as of 2017-18, around 600,000 properties would benefit from paying no business rates at all. How? He increased the rateable value threshold from £6,000 to £12,000.  At the same time, properties of a rateable value of between £12,000 and £15,000 would benefit from “tapered” relief.

FSS expertise

Business rate levels are set by the Valuation Office, and are based on their estimation of the achievable rental for a non-domestic property. Here at FSS, we liaise directly with the Valuation Office so we are ideally placed to advise businesses on whether an appeal against their business rating could result in cost savings.

We can conduct a thorough analysis of your business property and particular circumstances, and identify the most effective approach for an appeal.  We’re able to identify the best way forward for you, such as your ownership of a vacant or partially-occupied property, or of a property in a rural area that might be eligible for specific relief.

We’re here to give you the essential guidance you need before the Valuation Office re-values your business; using our specialist knowledge of both the commercial property market and the Harrogate region, we will ensure your business puts forward a successful appeal.

Beware of Rating Cowboys requesting upfront fees. A professional Chartered Surveyor will only charge a fee based upon a saving in the rates payable.

How do I benefit from the savings?

The best way of finding out is to get in touch with our Chartered Surveyor, Dan Brumfitt; he and his team will assess your rateable value – with a no-obligation service – to ensure your new rates bill is accurate.

Working directly with you, Dan and his team will ensure your business is not only correctly valued but also making the most of the new savings on the horizon.

To find out more, get in touch with Dan on 01423 534 189 or email
